Star Wars: What’s physics, anyway?

After I watched Episode III I got together with some of my friends and we nit picked the errors George Lucas made in the science of Star Wars. One of my friends is in his last year of studying to be a civil engineer. He generally mocks any attempts to talk about “science” and “Star Wars” in the same conversation. “It’s fantasy,” he said, “in a futuristic setting.”

And he’s right. But just in case there was any doubt, I’ll leave you with the following links. WARNING: they contain spoilers! If you don’t want spoilers, go to the Bad Astronomy: Bad Movies.

2 thoughts on “Star Wars: What’s physics, anyway?

  1. I’m excited that a bunch of the stuff that I said was wrong with the science was what this guy stated too…

    Although, does that make me a sci-fi geek too?? I don’t know if I like that… hmmm


  2. Hehhe, great job! As for you being a sci-fi geek, I think I can settle that question by asking you how many Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes you own.


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