Antimoron: Al Sharpton

Perhaps it’s not enough to point the finger at morons like Alan Keyes. Perhaps showing non-morons would help educate the average moron.

My religion does not support homosexuality, but I do. I was asked why I was supporting and marching with the homosexuals in parades, when according to the church, homosexuality is a sin. I responded that God gave people free will. God gave people the right to choose-even to choose sin. That’s why there is a heaven and a hell. So I will fight for people to have the right to go to hell if that’s what they choose. I’m not here to judge. I was placed here to fight for justice for all people.
Al On America, by Rev. Al Sharpton, p. 88-89 Jan 1, 2002

Although I would have toned down the hell talk myself, I believe that it’s not only a bad idea to legislate moralty (and whose morality would we legislate?), but impossible to legislate that everyone must go to heaven. Simply can’t be done. Let’s focus on problems we can solve anywhere.

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